Caracal wild goose!
Arpit Deomurari of Jamnagar and I planned a trip to Matanomadh — the beautiful thorn forests of NW Kutch to try and spot a caracal. We trekked over fabulous country that included secret ravines, gorges and brush. We also spent a couple of days in a hide overlooking a small waterhole. We never saw even signs of a caracal but were really rewarded with a fascinating experience in one of India’s most remote and unique wilderness areas. Of course, the search for the elusive cat will continue…
The highlight of our trip was a sighting of a Long-eared Owl in Naliya. While there have been sporadic reports of this bird before, this was the first confirmed and photographic record for India. After Arpit left for home leaving me in Nakhatrana, I spent a morning birding with old friend Jugalbhai in Banni grasslands. We visited Chhari Dhand — one of my favourite birding spots in the country.